Dr Manoj's Treatment For Periarthritis
Would rate Dr.Manoj’s Homeopathy as one of the best - Suresh/Reg No:S4065/Dec’2015
If there is any rating agency to recognize Homeopathy clinic services being provided across the country I would rate Dr.Manoj’s Homeopathy as one of the best in terms using treatment procedures, technology, approach towards storing and packing of medicine and fixing dose along with proper booklet etc. cleaniness at clinic is excellent with light and proper ventilation, Staff excellent and vey cordial warm and friendly. I know personally Dr Manoj for 20 years, a man of impetuous passion he does practice with lot of focus with out compromising ethics, I could see improvement over a period and kind of research being done every year in his practice is great . I would strongly request him to train more doctors with same principles and ethics and being technology man would request him to make research in more area especially in season wise disease pattern for preventive medicine and to heal chronic diseases which helps society at large.
Tremendous recovery for frozen shoulders and spondylitis - Naresh Kumar/Reg No:N987/Dec’2015
Feel happy on the tremendous recovery for frozen shoulders and spondylitis in a months time.
Would rate Dr.Manoj’s Homeopathy as one of the best - Suresh/Reg No:S4065/Dec’2015
If there is any rating agency to recognize Homeopathy clinic services being provided across the country I would rate Dr.Manoj’s Homeopathy as one of the best in terms using treatment procedures, technology, approach towards storing and packing of medicine and fixing dose along with proper booklet etc. cleaniness at clinic is excellent with light and proper ventilation, Staff excellent and vey cordial warm and friendly. I know personally Dr Manoj for 20 years, a man of impetuous passion he does practice with lot of focus with out compromising ethics, I could see improvement over a period and kind of research being done every year in his practice is great . I would strongly request him to train more doctors with same principles and ethics and being technology man would request him to make research in more area especially in season wise disease pattern for preventive medicine and to heal chronic diseases which helps society at large.
Periarthritis or Frozen Shoulder
Inflammation around the joint is known as periarthritis. If you have acute pain in your shoulder joints, if you are not in a position to lift your hand up without pain, if you have limitations in your shoulder movements or, pain on lying on the affected shoulder you could be suffering with Peri arthritis or Frozen Shoulder.
With our homeopathic treatment over a period of time, it will surely help in reduction of swelling, pain, stiffness and the immobility of the affected joint. This condition is totally reversible with homeopathic remedies. The improvement will be quicker if our homeopathic treatment and physiotherapy are done together.
Dr.Manoj Kuriakose has been practicing Homeopathy for the past 30 years.
He has seen over 4 lakh patient visits at his clinic in the past 10 years alone.
He has a great success rate in treating conditions like Sinusitis, migraine, cervical spondylitis, tinnitus, sweaty Palms, and stammering. Issues like piles, kidney stones, arthritis, heel pain, Pcod, and infertility have shown fruitful results. Other problems like warts, Thyroid, cholesterol, alopecia, and many other diseases have shown rewarding outcomes by Dr.Manoj.
He has data and testimonials for all the diseases which are shared on the website drmanoj.com
He is in the process of doing formal clinical trials on many diseases to create scientific validity which will be shared as soon as it is completed.
Periarthritis or Shoulder pain:
You will be surprised at the number of people who come to us with this problem. It is one of the most successful cases that we treat in our clinics.
How common is periarthritis?
Around 3 to 5% of the population suffers from periarthritis. It is 10 times more common in diabetic patients.
Symptoms of periarthritis?
Usually, it affects one shoulder, sometimes it can affect both the shoulders. You will have severe pain in the shoulder, you might not be able to move or lift your hand even for combing your hair or open a container. There might be difficulty in lying on the affected side, there will be restriction in the movement of your shoulder � while raising your hand or moving your hand backside beyond a particular angle.
What is periarthritis?
Periarthritis is basically (swelling of the tissues around the shoulder joint) and deposition of calcium within the shoulder joint. Over a period of time when the deposition increases, it is called as a frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder is nothing but periarthritis when it restricts the movement of the shoulder. It is a very common problem. In fact, most of us go through this, after a particular age.
Let us not get into why it happens but it is usually seen in people with diabetics. So if you develop frozen shoulder, just get your sugar tested and make sure that you are not diabetic.
Allopathic approach:
They put you on painkillers and they will give you some external massages and physiotherapy. The physiotherapist will do everything possible to take care of the frozen shoulder. If that does not help, then the allopath will give you a local steroid injection which will help for some time but the pain, restricted movements come back again. If it goes from one shoulder, it comes in the other shoulder.
The painkillers and steroids do not stop the process of periarthritis, they just relieve the pain. If the steroids do not help, they ask you to go for surgery.
Homeopathic approach:
We get a lot of people after trying painkillers, steroids, and physiotherapy and we have been able to do a wonderful job with periarthritis. Once you start on the homeopathic medications, the pain begins to come down but if you have a frozen shoulder, you have to go for physiotherapy. The physiotherapist will move your joint to all the angles. He will try to break the calcium deposit and he has to do this with a lot of force and it is usually painful. The pain can be taken care of with homeopathic medicines.( Homeopathic medicines reduce the inflammation around the shoulder joints, thus reducing the pain.)
Even when you are on my medications, you might experience pain while doing these exercises. However, over a period of time, the pain will completely disappear.
People who are already on allopathic medication:
We make them stop their allopathic medication and ask them to take Homeopathy for three to six months. Most people respond in about two to three months, some people take a longer time to respond.
What happens if you don't treat Periarthritis?
If left alone, the periarthritis process will continue to grow leading to a frozen shoulder. The pain keeps increasing and the movement gets restricted further, you will reach a stage where you will find it difficult to move your shoulders even a little bit.
Diet restrictions:
There are no diet restrictions.
Do's and Don'ts:
Be physically active but do not lift too much weight when you have pain. Go to the physiotherapist and start exercising at home.
Do the drill exercises that are taught in our schools, stretch your arms, stretch it upwards, backward, and forward. The more you exercise, the more mobility your joint will have and it will stop further restriction of your moment or frozen shoulder. Once you develop pain in the shoulder, make sure you are constantly doing shoulder exercises to prevent it from getting frozen.
There are a lot of other exercises which you can Google. My favorite exercise is climbing the wall with your fingers and do it from the side(demonstrate). It will be painful, but push yourself and if you are able to do it on your own, you can break that calcium deposits. I will take care of the pain which comes when you exercise.
What would I do if I were in your place?
I would for sure not start pain killers, steroids, or go for surgery. I know that I am not risking anything by giving Homeopathy around 3 to 6 months to try and get rid of periarthritis.
Do not go for surgery or start on any allopathic medications until you have given Homeopathy a try for at least about three to six months. Trust me, nothing is going to happen to you in these three to six months' time. But if these medicines can help you avoid surgery and get rid of your periarthritis and frozen shoulder for the rest of your life, isn't it worth giving it a try?
Take care. Stay safe.