Dr Manoj's Treatment For Migraine
Thyroid,Migraine,PCOD successful with your treatment - Saptagiri/Reg id:S1591/May’2019
My name is Saptagiri and my wife was cured from multiple issues(Thyroid,migraine,PCOD etc) successfully with your treatment. Many many thanks for your kind treatment.
Dont have any compliant for Migraine now - Shruti /Reg Id:5736/June’2018
I have been visiting for Rhinitis and Migraine. After taking the homeopathy medicine for about a month, I don’t have any compliant for migraine now and have 60% relief in Rhinitis
Migraine has reduced 70% - Mary/Reg No:M646/April’2018
I have been your patient for few years and have been suffering from migraine n sun allergy. Migraine has reduced 70%Thank you and Regards,
Have you ever suffered from a severe throbbing pain on one side of your head? Does your vision get blurred? Do you feel nauseous, wanting to just lie down in a dark room without any sound and light? Do You feel better after you vomit a couple of times?�.You could be suffering from a migraine!
Numerous medicines available over the counter for acute migraines which may or may not help . To be under the treatment of a neurologist for months or years and suffer with the side effects of those medications, and their recurrence when you stop the medication. One of the disease for which numerous patients visit us and we are very successful in treating completely are migraines. Initially the frequency and intensity of the migraines become better and over a period of time the migraines completely stop. During the course of the treatment we provide the patient with an SOS which can be used during a migraine attack over a period of time the patient can totally stop consuming all allopathic medicines being taken for the migraine. To begin with if the patient is on allopathic medication for a migraine they can continue that along with Homeopathy for a few days and then it can be tapered and stopped.
Dr.Manoj Kuriakose has been practicing Homeopathy for the past 30 years.
He has seen over 4 lakh patients at his clinic in the past 10 years alone.
He has a great success rate in treating conditions like Sinusitis, migraine, cervical spondylitis, tinnitus, sweaty Palms, stammering, piles, kidney stones, arthritis, heel pain, Pcod, infertility, warts, thyroid, cholesterol, alopecia, etc.
He has data and testimonials for all the diseases which are shared on the website.
He is in the process of doing formal clinical trials on many diseases to create scientific validity which will be shared as soon as it is completed.
We get a lot of patients who have just been diagnosed with migraine or who have been taking allopathic medications for migraine, coming to us asking us if we can help them.
How common is a migraine?
Migraine is the third most common health condition in the world, affecting around 12% of the population.
Symptoms of migraine:
Most people with migraine experience severe pain in their head. This pain could be occurring on one side or both the sides, could start in the front and go to the back, or start in the back and come to the front, start in the right and go to the left or vice versa. The pain starts gradually and then it slowly builds up making you feel nauseous and irritated, so much so that you might be irritated with the presence of light and sound, or anyone around you. The first thing you do when you suffer from migraine is to go inside a room, close the curtains, switch off all the lights and go to bed. Most probably you will wake up feeling better.
However, some people don't feel better even after a nap, they still have the migraine. There are people whose pain continues for days together, sometimes even a week. Migraine can be so excruciating that you feel very helpless. Sometimes you vomit or pass stools and feel better, other people don't feel better even after vomiting or passing stools.
What causes migraine:
Let's not get into the technical part of what causes migraines because that's not going to help. But what triggers a migraine attack is something that can help, what I have seen, most of the time ,what triggers migraine is stomach issues. You have indigestion, you eat unhealthy food, you feel bloated, you feel acidic, you are not eating on time, you had too much to eat then most times you end up with a migraine. You don't sleep too well, you end up with a migraine, you go shopping, you're exposed to too much of sunlight, you watch a movie, you are in a stressful situation, all these are trigger factors that cause migraine.
Once you have a migraine, you try painkillers for some time, it helps but it interferes with your way of life, the quality of life comes down, you eventually end up with a Neurologist.
Allopathic approach:
The Neurologist will put you on medicines like migranil, vasograin, topomac and maybe some antidepressants also. Once you start these medications your intensity of the migraines will come down but it won't go away. The biggest problem is the side effects that these medicines cause, they might make you put on weight, make you feel dull, they will give you stomach issues which in turn again may trigger the migraine and how long will you go on taking those medications? because the day you stop these meds, within few days' time, it is back to square one again.
Homeopathic approach:
Homeopathy has been treating migraine for centuries. Personally, I've treated hundreds of cases of migraines very successfully. What we do is we give medicines ,which even if you don't eat well, or have a stomach problem, or you don't sleep well, it will not trigger a Migraine
What typically happens once you start on homeopathic medicines, Suppose you were getting an attack once in a week, you start getting it once in 2 or 3 weeks' time and the intensity of the migraine will keep coming down over a period of time. So, in short, the intensity and frequency will come down over a period of time and eventually it will disappear.
I have an SOS(emergency medicine to be used during attack ) for migraine, which I give to all my patients. Now, this sos is to be taken the moment you get a migraine. You don't even wait for the migraine to start, even if you doubt that you are going to have an attack of migraine, start off with this sos, take it every 15 minutes, most times it takes care of the migraine in the beginning stage.
If you take it right in the beginning, you can avoid a full-fledged migraine. Attack. I am not telling you that you don't take any painkillers and all that..because migraine can be very painful. So first try the sos that I am giving you for 3-4times and if it doesn't help, please take a painkiller. I don't want you suffering from migraine for days together. But over a period of time when you consume homeopathic medicines, your need for pain killers will surely come down.
Migraine affects the young and the old alike. We've got small kids coming to us with migraine, small kids complaining of headache one-sided headache with nausea they end up in vomiting. The best medicine to give them is homeopathy, they're too young to be taking those powerful medications and they respond extremely well to our medications.
A lot of ladies get migraine attacks around their periods. It comes typically before the period, goes to the peak. As it is they have emotional issues because of their periods and to add to that may develop a migraine and once the periods are over the migraine goes away. Once you start homeopathic medications these attacks which come before the periods will gradually come down.
People who are already on allopathic medication:
We make them stop their allopathic medication and we ask them to take Homeopathy for three months. In some cases where the migraine is chronic, we start homeopathic medicines along with allopathy and over a period of time, we taper off their allopathic medicines. Most people respond in about three to six months, there are some people that take a longer time to respond.
What happens if you don't treat migraine:
If left untreated, the migraine attacks will become more severe. The attacks which usually stay for 2-4hrs will stay for the whole day, basically the frequency and the intensity of migraine increases. You may start depending on very strong medicines.
Diet restrictions:
There are no diet restrictions, but you need to be aware of what triggers a migraine. There could be some foods that trigger migraine-like milk and milk products, too much non-veg, too much oily food, pastries, ice cream, I don't know you figure it out. I'm not somebody to tell you what you need to avoid, but you know in particular that this particular food causes migraine, stay away from it, listen to your body .It's as simple as that.
Do's and don'ts:
Drink plenty of water, buttermilk, coconut water these things help.
Try and do some pranayama, do some breathing exercises, these will calm you and take care of the migraine as well.
What would I do if I were in your place?
I would for sure not start allopathic medications for migraine. I know that I am not risking anything by giving Homeopathy around 3-6 months to try and get rid of the migraine attacks.
Do not start on any allopathic medications until you have given Homeopathy a try for at least about three to six months. Trust me, nothing is going to happen to you in these three to six months' time. But if these medicines can help you avoid pain killers and completely cure your migraines, isn't it worth giving it a try?
Take care.