Leucorrhoea is a condition in which there is a white discharge from the vagina resulting from inflammation or irritation of the membrane lining the genital organs of women.It often occurs prior to the onset of menstruation, it excessive may be a symptom of infection.
The discharge may be thick, viscid and foul smelling.
With our pills ,the infection is completely treated and the excess white discharge is brought under control. Other symptoms associated with white discharge are also treated without any side effects. As the underlying cause due to white discharge is treated, there is no further reoccurrence.
Dr.Manoj Kuriakose has been practicing Homeopathy for the past 30 years.
He has seen over 4 lakh patient visits at his clinic in the past 10 years alone.
He has a great success rate in treating conditions like
Sinusitis, migraine, cervical spondylitis, tinnitus, sweaty Palms, and stammering. Issues like piles, kidney stones, arthritis, heel pain, Pcod, and infertility have shown fruitful results. Other problems like warts, Thyroid, cholesterol, alopecia, and many other diseases have shown rewarding outcomes by Dr.Manoj.
He has data and testimonials for all the diseases which are shared on the website drmanoj.com
He is in the process of doing formal clinical trials on many diseases to create scientific validity which will be shared as soon as it is completed.
Leucorrhea or white discharge:
Most women have white discharge at some point or the other. It is normal to have white discharge for a few days during the month.
How common is leucorrhea:
Around 24% of women suffer from chronic leucorrhea.
What is leucorrhea:
It is a flow of a whitish, yellowish, or greenish discharge from the vagina that may be normal or that may be a sign of infection. Such discharges may originate from the vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, or, most commonly, the cervix.
A lot of women have white discharge while they are ovulating which is normal but leucorrhea is significant when you have white discharge for a long period of time or a few days in a month. Some women have white discharge all the time except when they are on their periods. They invariably complain of a lot of weakness, backache, and itching.
They go to the doctor, take some medications and it goes away, only to come back again after some time. If medicines don't help, they advise a surgical procedure, you get it done but after few months it comes back again, this is called chronic leucorrhea. Many women suffer from chronic leucorrhea for years together.
The worst thing about leucorrhea is the weakness it causes, you are not yourself, and you have constant backache, a feeling of unwell. It takes a toll on your health, skin, and hair. There are women with chronic leucorrhea who are not able to conceive.
Abnormal leukorrhea may be caused by infections with bacteria, yeast, or other microorganisms.
A woman who was increased whitish discharge will experience weakness and lethargy. It can also be accompanied by headache for some women. Due to frequent discharge, there may be pain in the calf muscles and in the lumbar region.
Leukorrhea is normal if It is clear or white and has no odor. It is normal for your body to produce a small amount (about a teaspoon) each day. During the middle of your menstrual cycle (when eggs are released during ovulation)
However, if the color, smell, or consistency seems quite different than usual, especially if you also have vaginal itching or burning, you could be dealing with an infection or other condition.
Allopathic approach:
Allopathy can help you up to some extent, they give you some medications which help for some time but it comes back again, then they ask you to go for a surgical procedure. You feel better for few months but it comes back again.
Most women go through leucorrhea at some time or the other and it is easily treatable.The issue is when it becomes chronic, what ever creams or medicines are taken it gets better for a short period of time and it comes back again
(Leucorrhoea is happening because something is wrong in the body and you need to understand that unless you treat what is wrong you cannot get rid of leucorrhoea permanently.)
Homeopathic approach:
Most women come to us after trying allopathy, which does not help much. We have been able to help a lot of women with white discharge. We take their case and prescribe medications (for what is wrong in the body), we have seen most of them responding amazingly to our medication within 2 to 3 months.
We have had numerous patients approaching us for chronic leucorrhea after they have exhausted all treatment options including minor surgical procedures we have had tremendous success in treating them.
People who are already on allopathic medication:
We make them stop their allopathic medication and we ask them to take Homeopathy for three months. Most people respond in about two to three months, people who have chronic leucorrhoea take a longer time to respond.
What happens if you don't treat leucorrhea?
If not treated, leucorrhea can become chronic which causes backache, severe itching, discomfort, and irritation.
Diet restrictions:
There are no diet restrictions to follow.
Do's and Don'ts:
There is nothing much you can do, it is something that is happening from the inside that needs to be sorted by medications.
What would I do if I were in your place?
I would for sure not start allopathic medications or go for any procedures. I know that I am not risking anything by giving Homeopathy around 6 months to try and get rid of the leucorrhoea.
Do not go for surgery or start on any allopathic medications until you have given Homeopathy a try for at least about three to six months. Homeopathy offers a holistic and natural way of taking care of it without any side effects. If these medicines can help you take care of leucorrhoea permanently for the rest of your life, isn't it worth giving it a try?
Take care.