Dr Manoj's Treatment For Infertility
Happy to say that I am pregnant now :) - Jaya
I took medicine from you in december 2013. I am happy to say that I am pregnant now
PCOS/Infertility - Summaya
I came to see you in october in 2013 for my pcos,i,e for medication to conceive and for acne. With God’s grace and with the help of your medication I have now conceived. Thank you very much for your help.
Availed Safe treatment for fertility - Naresh
Dr Manoj gave wonderful & safe treatment to my wife for fertility & other problems. After having medicines for 3 months, my wife conceived and also releaved from other health problems as well.As per alopathy, she had no chances of getting pregnent. We are extremely happy about this news as it was much awaited since 2 years. I would like to thank Dr. Manoj and his team for the outstanding medical care they have provided. My questions were thoroughly answered.The medical assistant are prompt at returning phone calls. I refer Dr. Manoj with complete confidence for my friends and colleagues.
Infertility means you cannot make a baby (conceive).
Over the past 25 years we have been able to help couples unable to conceive due to various reasons. Homeopathy can help solve the problem causing the infertility like low sperm count, irregular menstruation, polycystic ovarian disorcer etc. You must read our testimonials and feed back too.
Dr.Manoj Kuriakose has been practicing Homeopathy for the past 30 years.
He has seen over 4 lakh patient visits at his clinic in the past 10 years alone.
He has a great success rate in treating conditions like sinusitis, migraine, cervical spondylitis, tinnitus, sweaty Palms, and stammering. Issues like piles, kidney stones, arthritis, heel pain, Pcod, and infertility have shown fruitful results. Other problems like warts, Thyroid, cholesterol, alopecia, and many other diseases have shown rewarding outcomes by Dr.Manoj.
He has data and testimonials for all the diseases which are shared on the website drmanoj.com
He is in the process of doing formal clinical trials on many diseases to create scientific validity which will be shared as soon as it is completed.
You are listening to me because you are not able to get pregnant. You have been married for so many years, went to so many doctors, did a lot of investigations and you are still not conceiving.
How common is infertility?
InIndia, around 11.8% of women suffer from primary infertility.
Globally, around 50-80 million people suffer from infertility. In India, around 17.9 million women suffer from infertility.
A lot of people come to me for infertility. Most of them come with so many files, so many opinions from different doctors, different types of medications that have been consumed and they finally come to me.
There was one lady who came to me saying doctor, I want to get pregnant, and these are my reports. I have got one issue, my AMH levels are low and I need treatment for AMH levels. She was very persistent about the AMH levels that she kept showing me her test results which have been done every month. I finally asked her do you want to get pregnant or do you want your AMH levels to go high? She thought for a moment and said, I want my AHM levels to go up. This shows how the doctors have put it into her mind that until your AMH level goes up, you are not going to get pregnant. Similarly, some people come to me saying, I need treatment for my pcod. How is pcod bothering you? I am not getting pregnant. Do you want to get pregnant or do you want your PCOD to go away? I want my PCOD to go away.
How much did our grandmothers know about pcod or AMH levels? How many kids does your grandmother from both sides have? I am sure they have at least six, seven, or ten kids. Do you think they had any knowledge about PCOD, AMH levels, or anything that you know today?
All they did when they wanted to get pregnant was our grandfather and grandmother used to decide, we are going to have a baby and their juices used to flow, the hormones used to flow and they used to get pregnant the next month. Isn't it how it happened? Where was infertility a few years ago? They had a number of kids.
Some people do not even try to get pregnant, they first go to the doctor and find out what is wrong with them and the only thing that goes in their mind is I have PCOD, my AMH levels are low, I have this or that, I cannot conceive and they do not conceive. When you get an ultrasound done, the doctor casually says, oh you got pcod, you might not conceive, this particular statement by the doctor sits in your mind and no juices flow and you do not get pregnant. This is a mistake that a lot of people do, they only think about negative things.
What do you do when you want to buy a car, jewellery, or a house, you dream about it, you visualize it, you go to bed thinking about it and eventually you get a car, jewellery, or whatever it is. How many times have you gone to bed visualizing that you are pregnant, you have a child? You must have visualized about your PCOD, AMH levels, irregular periods, but have you thought about your child? Did you visualize that beautiful child in front of your eyes? Every night before going to bed I want you to visualize, you getting pregnant, your husband coming with reports and telling you that you are pregnant, visualize yourself physically growing a tummy, delivering a beautiful baby, growing up with the kid. This is really important because when you visualize positive things, the juices, the hormones in your body begin to flow and you will get pregnant.
Allopathic approach:
(They make you go for different kinds of tests and if something is wrong, they give you medications for that, if you have PCOD or any other condition, they basically treat you for that by giving you hormones or through surgery. But if your reports are normal, there is not much they can do for you other than IVF, IUI.)
Homeopathic approach:
Homeopathic medicines help you prepare for pregnancy. It helps you secrete hormones that are required for pregnancy but if you are thinking about pcod and all the negative stuff, it is not going to help, you need to relax.
People who come to me for pregnancy, I tell them that the next 6 months to eight months belongs to me. I want you to be happy, do not go to any doctors or get any investigations done, ignore people's advice on how to get pregnant, and all that. Just be happy, be positive.
While we take your case, we will ask you a lot of things like what is wrong, what do you feel, your state of mind, white discharge, backache, your periods. These details help us to select the medicine to help you secrete your hormones properly.We have been able to help a lot of people get pregnant.
I have had a lot of cases where the women are on all sorts of hormones and medications for 8, 9, and 10 years. They do have a baby at the end of 10years, but the side effects are enormous. You put on a lot of weight, your periods would have gone havish, and you could have developed BP, diabetes. You will eventually end up having a kid, but you are doing everything possible, which is harming your body. Remember it is you who have to enjoy your child, but if you are not in a state to enjoy the child, what is the whole point?
People who are already on allopathic medication:
(People who are already on hormonal pills or other allopathic medications, we ask them to stop allopathy and take homeopathy.)
Do's and Don'ts:
We have been able to help a lot of people get pregnant, start on homeopathic medicines, be positive, do not mess it up, a lot of people start the treatment, within two to three months' time somebody will come and say oh this thing is good, why don't you try this medicine or go to this doctor? Stop, you are not letting your mind settle down. All I need is six to eight months of single-mind focus and devotion that you are going to get pregnant. Trust me. It will happen.
Your medical needs are taken care of. You do not have to worry. It is not important for you to know what is preventing you from getting pregnant. The only important thing is that you want to get pregnant.
It is also important that you know why you are having sex. Have a clean, positive state of mind. Do not get up immediately after you finish the act of sex, just lie down for some time. These are small things that you need to do, to be able to conceive. Children are God's gifts, they happen when they are meant to happen, the more you want it, the more desperate you are, the lesser the chances of you getting pregnant.
I find a lot of youngsters who come within 6 months of marriage and say we want medicines to get pregnant without even trying to naturally conceive. That is not how it works. If you just got married, try to conceive naturally for at least a year, and if it does not happen then approach me or whoever it is for help.
Avoid aggressive treatment, stick to simple medications like Homeopathy or any other systems of medicines you want, give it a shot for a year and if it does not help then go for something aggressive.
What would I do if I was in your place?
I would for sure not on hormones or other allopathic medications. I know that I am not risking anything by giving Homeopathy around 6 months to 1 year to try and get pregnant.
Avoid any kind of aggressive treatment until you have given homeopathy a try for at least a year. Trust me, nothing is going to happen to you in this 1 year. But if these medicines can help you avoid allopathic medicines and help you conceive naturally, isn't it worth giving it a try?
Take care. Stay safe.