Dr Manoj's Treatment For Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
We have noticed that restlessness has reduced - Arnab/Reg No A3287/May’2018
My child has been taking the medicines for Autism three times a dayIn the case of Autism, we have noticed that restlessness has reduced a bit.He is able to sit at one place and attend therapy for at least 45 minutes at a stretch.He is following instruction to a certain extent. Moreover he has started repeating the words we ask her to repeat and able to answer body parts question of his own. In other words he able to pick up some verbal communication which he was not able to do before.
We have noticed that restlessness has reduced - Arnab/Reg No A3287/May’2018
My child has been taking the medicines for Autism three times a dayIn the case of Autism, we have noticed that restlessness has reduced a bit.He is able to sit at one place and attend therapy for at least 45 minutes at a stretch.He is following instruction to a certain extent. Moreover he has started repeating the words we ask her to repeat and able to answer body parts question of his own. In other words he able to pick up some verbal communication which he was not able to do before.
Dr.Manoj Kuriakose has been practicing Homeopathy for the past 30 years.
He has seen over 4 lakh patient visits at his clinic in the past 10 years alone.
He has a great success rate in treating conditions like
Sinusitis, migraine, cervical spondylitis, tinnitus, sweaty Palms, and stammering. Issues like piles, kidney stones, arthritis, heel pain, Pcod, and infertility have shown fruitful results. Other problems like warts, Thyroid, cholesterol, alopecia, and many other diseases have shown rewarding outcomes by Dr.Manoj.
He has data and testimonials for all the diseases which are shared on the website drmanoj.com
He is in the process of doing formal clinical trials on many diseases to create scientific validity which will be shared as soon as it is completed.
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder:
The fact that you are hearing me talk about ADHD is because you already know about it or your child has been diagnosed with this problem. We get a lot of kids with ADHD, coming to us asking if we can help them.
How common is ADHD?
In India, around 17% of the population suffers from ADHD.
What is ADHD?
You must have already read about it or your doctor must have told you what it is. So, let me not waste my time talking about what it is, how it happens, and all that.
Let us talk about what we can do, the first thing that I would like to tell you is, as a parent if your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, the most important thing is to accept it. Most parents and grandparents do not accept the problem, particularly the older generation, the grandparents usually says, you are not raising your child well, punish him, you were also like that in your childhood but you became alright. He will be all right, there are many kids like that and all they need is one slap. These are the things that you hear from people but it is not true.
Causes of ADHD:
In my practice, I can think of two major reasons why a lot of children develop ADHD. One is traumatic birth, where the cord is wrapped around the neck or during a complicated delivery.
A lot of kids get ADHD after their vaccinations which could be a side effect of vaccination, it is not proven, but we have seen it in our practice. Let us not talk about the causes, let us see how to deal with the situation.
I know it can be traumatic to raise them. The father probably gets his break when he goes to the office, but the mother goes through hell. It is impossible for the mother to take care of the child alone, she will go mad.
The parents have to take the responsibility together.
It is not the child's fault that he is like that, he cannot help being himself, he will grow out of it and will be absolutely normal. You need to take care of him through a particular stage and age and it can be easy if both the husband, wife and the entire family are in it together.
Allopathic approach:
You go to the doctor, he will tell you about a lot of therapies and put your kids on some medications. There are special educators who teach ADHD kids and they do a wonderful job, you must find special instructors wherever you are in the world. Trust me, a lot of kids have improved tremendously under these special educators. Do not expect your child to get better in a normal school, they need these special educators to give them that extra bit of information and coaching.
There are different techniques with which they treat and most of the kids catch up and are back to normal. Special educators who treat ADHD kids are very important in the treatment.
I am not in favour of starting the child on allopathy because these medicines will subdue him, will make his brain calmer. But that is not him, you are making him somebody else and after you stop the medicines he is back to square one. That is not the way to treat ADHD.
Homeopathic approach?
Homeopathy works miraculously in these kids, it works on the mind and calms the child, stops him from reacting the way he is reacting, helps him focus on a particular thing.
Once we start them on homeopathic medicines, a lot of parents come back and say the child has calmed down, he can sit for a longer time and he is listening to us. He is able to emote himself, able to react, and respond.
There are a lot of positive things that happen once the child starts on homeopathy. I am not saying that we can do miracles but you can see a dramatic improvement in your child within few months of starting homeopathy. Homeopathy helps the child go through these issues and overcome them in the most natural and efficient way.
People who are already on allopathic medication:
We make them stop their allopathic medication and ask them to take Homeopathy for three months. In some cases where they have been taking allopathic medicines for a long time, we start homeopathic medicines along with allopathy, and over some time, we taper off their allopathic medicines.
What happens if you don't treat ADHD
If left alone, the child becomes more restless, it becomes hard for the child to concentrate in the class, to control his emotions and they cannot communicate properly at home or outside.
Diet restrictions:
There are a few diets that can be followed, GF/CF diet is one of them. I have been recommending a particular diet which is on my website �Dr. Manoj�s diet plan.� This diet helps to calm the child quite a lot. How does this help? These kids have a lot of energy which makes them hyperactive, they are on their feet all the time doing some or the other thing and they cannot sit in one place. What gives him this energy?
The food that they eat is what gives them energy, I believe that if you can cut down their food, cut down their energy by giving them little amount of food at one time and every four hourly. I have seen it do miracles for these kids. GF/CF has also proven to be useful but it is very difficult to put these kids on GF/CF diet as you cannot avoid sweets, bread. It is not practically possible, especially in ADHD kids, they will be behind you for food.
Do's and Don'ts:
Yoga, breathing exercises, meditation can help a lot if you are able to put him on it.
Start him on homeopathic medication, put him on physical therapies, occupational therapies, whatever are available. Special educators are very important. With the combination of these, you can sail through ADHD, very easily.
What would I do if I were in your place?
I would for sure not start allopathic medications. I know that I am not risking anything by giving Homeopathy around 3 to 6 months to try and manage ADHD.
Take care of your child, he is precious. Start him on homeopathic medications along with therapies, he is going to be fine in a few months to few years. You won't even know that he had a problem, till then be patient. If these medicines can help you manage ADHD, isn't it worth giving it a try?
Take care. Stay safe.